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Children's Album and Children's Carnival Op. 25

$15.99 / $14.39 - 10% Internet Order Discount

Amy Marcy Beach, Melanie Spanswick

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Softcover With Children''s Album and Children''s Carnival, Amy Beach continues the tradition of famous 19th-century piano cycles for young players. The dances and character pieces are ideal for lessons and first performances. This new edition from the Student Edition Repertoire series was edited by Melanie Spanswick, who added fingerings, tempo and pedal information to the repertoire and wrote practical playing instructions for all pieces.Softcover With Children''s Album and Children''s Carnival, Amy Beach continues the tradition of famous 19th-century piano cycles for young players. The dances and character pieces are ideal for lessons and first performances. This new edition from the Student Edition Repertoire series was edited by Melanie Spanswick, who added fingerings, tempo and pedal information to the repertoire and wrote practical playing instructions for all pieces.

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Category: Piano
Series: Piano Collection
Voicing/Instrument: Easy - Intermediate (Level 2-3)