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Lorenz / lr / 70/2185L

Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and Toccatas


Craig A. Penfield

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Fanfare Fantasia on "Duke Street"
Fanfare Joyeux
Trompette Melodious
Trumpet Tune in C major
Première Fanfare
Toccata Française
Gigue Toccata
Toccata on "St. Anne"
Trumpet Tune on "Royal Oak"

Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been three of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this collection, Craig A. Penfield has provided three of each, including both hymn-based and original works. While postludes are likely to be the primary use for most of these pieces, some of the compositions are also suitable as preludes or offertories, such as "Trompette Melodious" and "Toccata Francaise."

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Category: Organ
Level: Intermediate
Voicing/Instrument: Org 3-staff