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Store Hours: Mon-Fri, 10-5; Sat 10-4

Invoice Policy


Effective all invoices due on & after July 1, 2023

Our invoices are due net 30. Any discounts listed are only applicable if the invoice is paid within 30 days. 

After 90 days, payment of full retail price plus collection fees may be required. Collection fees are calculated {Full Retail / (100%- 33%)} and summed to the full retail price.  This resulting total will become the revised invoice amount due.

School representatives are responsible for providing any/all required invoicing details (Purchase and/or Requisition Order codes) along with valid contact information for themselves, instructors (if appropriate) and the accounts payable representative of the organization.  Valid contact information consists of the following:

·         A valid working email address.

·         A valid phone number with the ability to leave a message.

·         A valid legal mailing and shipping address. 

Please understand that any oversight in managing communications (email, phones, voice messaging or mail) does not constitute an extension/exemption/waiver to this policy.

Questions, concerns or extenuating circumstances should be directed to