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Focal Press / hl / 00331895

The MIDI Manual - 3rd Edition


David Miles Huber

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Softcover The MIDI Manual is a complete reference on MIDI, written by a well-respected sound engineer and author. This best-selling guide provides a clear explanation of what MIDI is, how to use electronic instruments, and an explanation of sequencers and how to use them. Learn how to set up an efficient MIDI system and how to get the best out of your music. Illustrated throughout with helpful photos and screengrabs, this is the most readable and clear book on MIDI available!Softcover The MIDI Manual is a complete reference on MIDI, written by a well-respected sound engineer and author. This best-selling guide provides a clear explanation of what MIDI is, how to use electronic instruments, and an explanation of sequencers and how to use them. Learn how to set up an efficient MIDI system and how to get the best out of your music. Illustrated throughout with helpful photos and screengrabs, this is the most readable and clear book on MIDI available!

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Category: Reference Materials
Series: Book
Voicing/Instrument: A Practical Guide to MIDI in the Project Studio