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Choir and Chorus Conducting*

F.W. Wodell

An excerpt from Part V. Chapter III. - The conductor stands between the composer and the listener as an interpreter. Upon him rests the responsibility for securing an adequate interpretation of the composition. He is therefore of necessity clothed with equally comprehensive authority. Soloists as well as chorus singers and orchestral players are properly under his direction. If a singer be incompetent, he will refuse to conduct for such. If a singer be competent and experienced, the conductor will not try to impose his will upon the artist as to matters of style in delivery concerning which persons of taste may differ, but will furnish a discreet, sympathetic accompaniment which shall do justice to the vocal, as well as to the instrumental part of a composition. If, however, the soloist should for any reason indulge in a delivery which would tend to rob the music of its legitimate effect, it is the conductor's duty to protest. The soloist has his rights; he must be given a large measure of liberty in the performance of his part, for he, as well as the conductor, has a responsibility, and will be judged by his work. To the conductor, however, belongs the wider and superior responsibility and authority.

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Category: Choral Reference, Reference Materials, Conducting Reference