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Jose Alberto Pino / jpino / JPINASAJAL


Jose Alberto Pina

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Sajelbon (Noblejas, written in reverse) is a composition based on the idea of ​​time and progress of this town located in the geographical heart of Spain.

A time that, contrary to what happens with the natural state of things, in Noblejas has meant evolution and development in all areas - social, economic, cultural - and with a clear vocation for continuity in the most immediate future.

Through the bars of this work, the aim is to capture, as if it were a musical epic, the birth, growth and development over time of this unique place.

The work begins with the first drops of water in the life of Noblejas: the water from its Old Fountain, a vital point for the birth of this town and its first steps in a journey of centuries. Next, the musical adventure will accompany her through various pages of its history such as the capture of Alfonso VI of the Castle of Aurelia (Oreja), snatching the square from Muslim domination in 1085, or the belonging of these territories to the Order of Santiago as “tithes in honor of Saint Mary Magdalene”, in evocation of a very characteristic medieval period of our country. The flute will be in charge of presenting a new page of its history that connects with the depth of its growth, greatness and progress in all its breadth. As a link for all the thematic material, the leitmotif Sajelbon appears, which symbolizes the proud, industrious and hard-working spirit of all the Noblejanos, we will hear it when extracting the musical notes of each letter of the title: S (si) A (la) J (g-sol) E (e-mi) L (la) B (b-si) ON (do).

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Category: Concert Band
Level: 4.5

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Jose Alberto Pino Sajelborn (Score) Jose Alberto Pina JPINSAJALSC 90.00