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E. C. Schirmer Music Company / ce / 9120

Nocturne of Remembered Spring


Hall, Juliana

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Nocturne of Remembered Spring is the title poem of the fourth collection of poems by American poet Conrad Aiken (1889–1973), published in 1917, and is a sort of meditation on memories of past love, as the speaker remembers traveling old paths of place and memory. It is a very large poem, in six parts, full of lush imagery and magical color, an early masterpiece from this marvelous poet who won the Pulitzer Prize, a National Book Award, the Bollingen Prize in Poetry, the National Institute of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Poetry, and a National Medal for Literature. Composer Juliana Hall captures in this extended setting of Nocturne of Remembered Spring the quiet calm of graceful scenes Aiken depicts, as the speaker in the poem relives a special time in youth when two people shared a memorable night full of talking over life's deepest subjects, walking along the nighttime thoroughfares, enjoying the swaying of music in the night, the scent of lilacs dripping with the gentle rain, and the inner warmth of exploring life's mysteries with that one person whose presence turns prosaic activity into poetic intimacy.

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Category: Choral
Level: Moderately Difficult
Voicing/Instrument: Baritone and Piano