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NAfME / rowman / 9781475844719

Making Music in Montessori


Michael Johnson

Infused with a warm, affable tone, Making Music in Montessori is the Guide’s guide to music education, providing Montessori teachers all at once a snappy, practical handbook, music theory mentor, pedagogical manual, and resource anthology.The book’s goal: To give teachers confidence in music, so that when their children walk away from a lesson all fired up to compose their own music, their teacher will know how to guide them. Before Making Music in Montessori, teachers may have only dreamed of a classroom buzzing with children working, learning, and growing with music alongside all of the other subject areas in the Montessori curriculum. Now, it’s a reality. If children’s minds are a fertile field, then Making Music in Montessori will stir Montessori teachers of all musical backgrounds to don their overalls, roll up their sleeves, sow the musical seeds, and watch them blossom under their children’s flaming imagination. 

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Category: Music Education, Reference Materials