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World Library Publications / gi / 000975

Prayer Card: Table Prayer For Thanksgiving


Michael O'Neill McGrath

Accompaniment - []

These beautifully designed prayer sheets are a meaningful addition to holiday gatherings. Each presents a special blessing for the holiday meal, surrounded by original artwork by Brother Mickey McGrath. Priced inexpensively enough to buy in quantity! Great for giving to the entire parish as a bulletin stuffer‚ everyone who comes to Thanksgiving Day liturgies‚ students in schools and religious education classes to take home‚ community members at an ecumenical Thanksgiving service‚ the whole parish as part of a fall stewardship effort‚ or area restaurants to put on tables for those who come on Thanksgiving Day. Use in the school lunchroom during November‚ in the rectory or parish office dining room‚ or as outreach to non-parishioners by mail or by dropping off at homes (put a message on the back!). 5.5 x 8.5 .

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Category: Music Accessories